Thursday, March 10, 2011

Girl Scout Cookies (1976)

New York, 1976, the mayor is preparing the next election  with a campaign to clean the streets of the city by attacking  the prostitution (What else is new?). Certainly one of the most successful campaign since there are only seven prostitutes  remaining in the city when the film began. Two of them (Crystal Sync and a complete stranger) are preparing themselves to hang up their skates (I'm Canadian so it's sure I have to use an hockey term somewhere in my blog) and put a stop at their career by receiving their last client (Mel White). But chance helping after finishing the job a girl scout comes at the door to sell cookies. A visit that will give the idea to the actress whose name I do not know (which is sad because she looks great) to personify a Girl Scout and use this ploy to sell her charms.
Without being one of the best production of Shaun Costello this one is still interesting for numerous reasons. Among them the lead actress (it's amazing how she looks young), the variety of scenes (mild sado-masochism, double vaginal penetration,...), the presence of John Leslie as a master of disguise (ok just one and not that spectacular) and the fast pace. One criticism I could make is that the end seems rushed and the final orgy seems unfinished.

This one is available from Alpha Blue Archive in a great set, but as I've already said previously it is quite overprice for an unauthorized release with very few remastering works done.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Love Bus (1974)

In this film the gorgeous Jennifer Jordan plays the part of Barbara , a woman who has difficulties to feel involved in her relationship with the opposite sex. To help her overcome this blockade her psychiatrist (Jamie Gillies) advises her to attend a weekend with an organized group to overcome her apprehensions. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on the perspective) all will not proceed as planned.
Before starting the movie I was expecting something similar to Lickity Split and it seemed that it would be the case when all the group embarked on a bus trip. But nothing happen during the ride since the bus driven by Kevin André is involved in an accident . An accident that forces the whole group to stay at an hostel owned by a couple (Sonny Landham with a redneck accent that come and go and Linda Lovemore). The big difference with the preceding film is  the fact that the distribution is talented  enough to be able to improvise interesting dialogues. The distribution includes among others in addition of the names already mentioned Marc Stevens, Levi Richards, Leo Lovemore, Day Jason, Shaun Costello, Rita Davis and Judith Hamilton (which I'm not a big fan and still isn't). There are a good part of comedy in this film, mostly due to Leo Lovemore and Mark Stevens and you  feel that everyone involved had a good time.
The film even includes a fisting scene between Jamie Gillis and Rita Davis, this is always appreciated when we know how some labels removed them from the DVD release of their film. Video-X-Pix certainly deserves  a lot of praise for not having censored a classic like VCA always does. There is also an interesting threesome between Leo Lovemore, Shaun Costello and Day Jason (which is certainly not the case with the other  one with Jennifer Jordan, Sonny Landham and Judith Hamilton). I've even been afraid for awhile to have a sex scene with a pregnant woman, but thank God it didn't happen. I'm pretty open sexually talking, but some things do not interest me at all.
By cons at some point the film is a little bit dark making it difficult to see some close-up. But this doesn't happen too often and I'm not sure if this is due to an insufficient lighting when the film was originally shoot  or the material used for the DVD (this is a video transfer). I am certain that a new transfer would correct this slight problem, but I don't think this movie is a candidate for the Platinum Collection. But of course I could be wrong.
This film is highly recommanded if you are a fan of Shaun Cotello and is available from Video-X-Pix.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Pen Pals (1973)

Chuck (Levi Richards) and Carmen (Tony Scott) held a meeting with four of their pen pals (Mary Stuart, Davey Jones, Mel White and one girl I don't know) from all the corners of the United  States and all this turns as a sex party. Everything stops there because this film has no story beyond that and the whole is more or less fifty minutes of sex non-stop. This may sound interesting but it is not ... Apart from Mary Stuart no actresses are really attractive and the sex is rather mechanical, repetitive and boring (except the scenes with Mary Stuart where we are able to feel some emotion from her). In a movie when the best part is the night footages of  New York it's pretty clear that we aren't on a joy ride.
I really do not have very much positive to say, but I did laugh to hear Shaun Costello directing the actors during a sex scene and at the countless flubbed lines ... The instrumental from the end of Misty Bethoven is often used and you have no idea how I would had like to see Constance Money doing an apparition in this mess. One thing for sure the next couldn't be worse.
This film is available from After Hour Cinema in a three movies set with Certified Mail and Love-In Maid.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Forced Entry (1973)

First movie directed by Shaun Costello and a production that is preceded by its reputation. The story basically is about a Vietnam veteran and his return to civilian life. If there's one thing I learned by watching movies is that many of them came back traumatized by the experience. Obviously this is also true for the "hero" of our story. So the former soldier who is never named is at his return either the owner of a gas station or an attendant at this station (but probably more the owner since he can go when he wishes to do so) and he enters in his Vietnam flashback mode when some women come to refuel their car. In his flashback mode he stalks his victims to kill and as this is an adult film, have a little fun.
There is no real consensual sex relationship in this film if we except the scene between Juta David and Shaun Costello (the only other male actor in this movie with the killer), so if you do not like when a movie is a little bit rough this one will not be your cup of tea. If I say rough you can take my word for it as the whole is accompanied by  convincing special effects, at least for the second victim and the rapes are intercut with archive images of the Vietnam War. What makes the film is the performance of Laura Cannon when she was attacked at her home, a performance so greatly executed that it's worthy of an Oscar®. Something I sure can't say about the two "actresses" playing the hippies, I've never seen people as annoying and stressful than those two... Honestly I think I would have done the same thing the killer did if I would have been confronted at these two women. If they would have been in the old anti-drug psa, I can assure you that these ads would have been effective.
Excellent career start for one of the most prolific director of this genre (what you will see throughout the month of march since the whole month will be devoted to Shaun Costello) and a film that I highly recommend.
This film is available from After Hour Cinema and the DVD countains also three short loops and a booklet written by Costello himself.