Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Flesh of the Lotus (1971)

The original was a huge success and people asked for more films with Johnny Wadd, so Bob Chinn saw that he had a hot property in his hands and rapidly bring a sequel,

Sheila a friend of Johnny Wadd is brutally killed in her apartment and he receive a call from one of her neighbor to come fast. When he arrives the cop aren't there yet and he picks up his first hint: a flower.

Wadd and the victim ( Heather Starr) at a much better time
He starts his investigation by visiting Beverly Randolph a lesbian who could maybe give him a lead about the murder.

Unknown actress with John Holmes

She put him in contact with a friend of Sheila who might be able to help him, so he waits for her at Beverly's apartment. After a while she arrives and this is where he learns about an opium deal between Jim Alexander, the neighbor, and sheila.
Suzie, the friend, is played by the great Andy Bellamy (so if you take note it's her second time in the series
Wadd goes back at Sheila's apartment, he quickly realized that the cop never came and that the body is missing... but Jim Alexender is there rummaging through the bedroom. After a beating he confess the deal and Wadd finds a ring... a Chinese secret society golden ring who is the last hint he needed to do the connection to resolve the murder.

Alex Elliot
Direction Chinatown to find the killer, again we will get a fight and the murderer will pay for his crime. Sheila's corpse is found in the ocean some weeks later in the ocean and the case is ruled as a junkie suicide.

Bob Chinn
Like the original the sequel was made for almost nothing, but we get some great Chinatown footages, more diverse location, the cast this time doesn't have a weak link (Holmes doesn't act any better but he didn't become a star because of his thespian ability) and the original score. I think this one is an improvement over the original, but the Johnny Wadd series will get much better soon.

Since VCX was too lazy to do some research and gave us a pointless DVD art, I post a cool poster for a Johnny Wadd festival that was sent to me by my friend Charles.

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